Find Available Campsites Near Me at State and County Parks
You want to find available campsites near me in 2023 and beyond. Good luck, finding an available campsite use to be pretty easy no matter where you wanted to stay. Those days are over, due largely to the RV and tent camping boom that hit during Covid. Now we constantly hear people complain that every good campsite is taken, reserved by someone else to the extent that there are none readily available. This is especially true if you're looking on short notice.
We've been campground hosting in a small county park for the last 7 years and I'm about to let you in on a secret that very few have discovered. This page is going to give you access to campsites of all types and sizes that are scattered all over the country but very few know about. We have years of campsites Iowa experience but will do a good job of helping you explore other states.

The first thing I did during my research was create a database here that you can come back to whenever you're looking for that next campsite. In this database I listed all 50 states in order with their State Capital city. Then I researched the direct link to their State Park camping reservation system so you can simply click, find your campground and site and make an available reservation. The most valuable asset though is the link to each States County Parks registry. I'll tell you more about that in a minute. So, not matter if your search is for tent campsites near me or RV campsites near me, we're going to help you find campsites near me.

Find Available State Park Campsites
I know that most people are familiar with the State Park reservation systems. I also know that this is the most frustrating thing to all of us who love camping, because the State Parks are being filled up with reservations made way in advance and finding available sites is getting harder to do.
Find Available County Parks Campsites
That's why I decided to create this County Parks directory. What I've learned is that it can be easy to find available campsites through the County Parks programs across all 50 States. It can be difficult to locate county park campsites near me in a random Google search because they are often listed under the County Offices and are not generally in a Statewide database.

Once I discovered this database for finding available campsites, I realized that I could create custom links for all 50 States, I knew I needed to share it with our RV and tent camping community. Once you click on the County Parks link for the State you're interested in, simply click on a CP logo where you'd like to check out.
This next window displays what will happen when you click any CP point on the map. You're going to see an on-page pop-up like this one. It will give you a quick overview of the park's details. Find out what types of camping facilities the park offers, how to contact the park, even find out if there are reviews you can read.

If you have found a park you'd like to learn more about, then the next step is to click the Full Details button and you'll be directed to a screen like this.

Mobile Device Rotate Screen Now
If you're viewing on a small screen mobile device, you'll need to rotate your screen now like for a video in order view the county parks links.
State | Capital | State Parks Reservations | County Parks Look-up |
Alabama | Montgomery | Reservations | Alapark | County & City Campgrounds | Alabama |
Alaska | Juneau | Camping Reservations – Alaska State Parks ( | County & City Campgrounds | Alaska |
Arizona | Phoenix | Camping in Arizona | Arizona State Parks ( | County & City Campgrounds | Arizona |
Arkansas | Little Rock | Camping | Arkansas State Parks | County & City Campgrounds | Arkansas |
California | Sacramento | Reserve California | County & City Campgrounds | California |
Colorado | Denver | Camping Reservations – Colorado Parks | County & City Campgrounds | Colorado |
Connecticut | Hartford | Connecticut Campground Search | ReserveAmerica | County & City Campgrounds | Connecticut |
Delaware | Dover | Camping Reservations – Delaware State parks | County & City Campgrounds | Delaware |
Florida | Tallahassee | Florida State Parks – Florida State Parks Reservation System | County & City Campgrounds | Florida |
Georgia | Atlanta | Reservations for Cabins, Camping | Georgia DNR | County & City Campgrounds | Georgia |

We hope you're able to find available campsites near me and that you have found this page to be a helpful resource. If so, would you consider sharing the page with your camping group and pinning the top image to Pinterest to help us share this with the greater camping community.
We'd love to see your comments if you would come back and share a camping experience you had from one of these links.
Here's to many enjoyable camping adventures in 2023 and beyond.
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