Affiliate Links

Affiliate Links

Sometimes when we recommend a product, we’ll link to the company’s website using what’s known as an affiliate or referral link. Basically, if you end up buying a product that you found via our link, we get a commission from the vendor as a small “thank you.”

Sometimes that commission is just a few dollars; sometimes it’s a little more. Sometimes it’s a one-time commission; sometimes it’s a rolling commission — so if you sign up for a monthly subscription service, we might get a slice of that monthly fee.

But here’s the important thing — that referral doesn’t cost you a penny. The entire commission comes out of the vendor’s pocket not yours.

And it goes without saying that we’ll never recommend a product simply because it pays us a commission because that would be sleazy, right?

So, we’ll only recommend products that we’ve personally used or that come highly recommended by trusted peers. (After all, if we only recommended products, we’re using ourselves right now, we’d be doing you a disservice, because there are products that are a great fit when you’re starting out, but you might be exploring a different type of camping than we are right now. Make sense?)

Now it’s possible that we didn’t mark some links in older posts, so the safest thing to assume is that any time we link to a third-party product, we might get a small commission.

All good? Great!

Camping Life Dreams


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